Outcome Ascertainment


Physician Adjudication and Endpoint Management

  • Select and train physician adjudicators
  • Develop adjudication forms, operations manuals, and procedures
  • Coordinate and track adjudicated cases
  • Develop metrics and reports

The Coordinating Center Outcome Ascertainment Group has a network of physician adjudicators with extensive experience in adjudication of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis outcomes, cardiovascular and stroke events, and cancer. Our adjudication and endpoint management process has been streamlined with the use of customized adjudication tracking systems with features such as randomized assignment of cases to physicians, case tracking, outcome reporting, and financial tracking of adjudicator payments.

Medication Coding

Using our proprietary software, Medication Inventory Form©, prescription and over-the-counter medications entered into the Research Data System© via data collection forms are automatically compared against a hierarchical dictionary based upon the current Iowa Drug Information Service (IDIS) drug listings. Flagged entries are reviewed by our medical coding staff.